Althea One-Shoulder Embroidered Dress
Federico De Paolis
with Fabrique
Althea One-Shoulder Embroidered Dress
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Munda Off Shoulder Petal Top in Tencel Wool Blend
Coco Boutet
with Fabrique
Munda Off Shoulder Petal Top in Tencel Wool Blend
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Suma High Waisted Straight Leg Pants in Tencel Lyocell Blend
Roy Krejberg
with Fabrique
Suma High Waisted Straight Leg Pants in Tencel Lyocell Blend
2 colors
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Convallaria Handcrafted Crochet Dress in Cotton Viscose Knit
Caroline Hu
with Fabrique
Convallaria Handcrafted Crochet Dress in Cotton Viscose Knit
2 colors
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Barbel Vest in Washed Cotton Denim
Adriano Goldschmied
with Fabrique
Barbel Vest in Washed Cotton Denim
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Convallaria Handcrafted Crochet Sweater in Cotton Viscose Knit
Caroline Hu
with Fabrique
Convallaria Handcrafted Crochet Sweater in Cotton Viscose Knit
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Luise Maxi Skirt in Silk Cotton
Erasmo Sanpaolo
with Fabrique
Luise Maxi Skirt in Silk Cotton
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Cindy Flora Print Dress in Silk Cotton
Lucie Ailsa Sutton
with Fabrique
Cindy Flora Print Dress in Silk Cotton
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Alexia Lace Embroidery Dress in Tencel
Gabriela Fluss Tramontano
with Fabrique
Alexia Lace Embroidery Dress in Tencel
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Giada Striped Blouse and Shorts Set in Cotton Blend
Matthew Adams Dolan
with Fabrique
Giada Striped Blouse and Shorts Set in Cotton Blend
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Sima Raw Seam Maxi Dress in Cotton Blend
Roy Krejberg
with Fabrique
Sima Raw Seam Maxi Dress in Cotton Blend
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Rainbow Knit Top in Cotton Blend
Ksenia Schnaider
with Fabrique
Rainbow Knit Top in Cotton Blend
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Convallaria Handcrafted Crochet Dress in Cotton Viscose Knit
Caroline Hu
with Fabrique
Convallaria Handcrafted Crochet Dress in Cotton Viscose Knit
2 colors
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Calypso Patchwork Bustier in Cotton Denim
Rebekka Bach
with Fabrique
Calypso Patchwork Bustier in Cotton Denim
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Lottie Floral Print Dress in Silk Cotton Blend
Jack Isenberg
with Fabrique
Lottie Floral Print Dress in Silk Cotton Blend
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Velia Fringed Vest Set in Cotton Linen
Gabriela Fluss Tramontano
with Fabrique
Velia Fringed Vest Set in Cotton Linen
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Smock Embroidered Dress in Cotton
Kentaro Tamai
with Fabrique
Smock Embroidered Dress in Cotton
2 colors
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Bella Black Detachable Belt Blazer in Viscose Blend
Christine Phung
with Fabrique
Bella Black Detachable Belt Blazer in Viscose Blend
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Althea One-Shoulder Embroidered Dress
Federico De Paolis
with Fabrique
Althea One-Shoulder Embroidered Dress
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